Jump Starts

Clarke JS1224LiN 1200A 12/24V  Jumpstart with Lithium-Ion Battery

This small, lightweight and portable lithium-ion power bank with in-built torch is suitable for use on larger vehicles with a diesel engine capacity of up to 4 Litres and a petrol engine capacity of 6...

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Clarke JS900 900A Jumpstart

Portable 12 Volt power pack with many uses. This high capacity compact, rechargeable jumpstart unit will go anywhere to start a car or operate lighting, recharge mobile phones (via a compatible in-car...

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Clarke JS910 900A Jumpstart with Compressor

The Clarke Jumpstart 910 provides vital standby or emergency power for the home, vehicle, business or boat. With its built in air compressor it is also ideal for general leisure use. Take this compact...

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Clarke JS5IN1 900A Jumpstart 5-in-1

A heavy duty, portable emergency power source. The JS5IN1 has a powerful jumpstart facility, a built-in compressor for inflating car/bike tyres, air beds etc, a 300W inverter power supply, 2 x 12V DC power...

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Clarke JSM180 1800mAh 360A Lithium Polymer Jumpstart

The size of a mobile phone with a soft touch casing, the Clarke JSM180 is an amazingly small and lightweight portable lithium-polymer power bank. It is fitted with an inbuilt LED torch, easily fits in...

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Clarke JS1224 2000A 12/24V Jumpstart

The versatile Jumpstart 1224 has the power to start engines requiring 12 or 24 Volts using 2x22Ah batteries.Simply switch to the required voltage and connect the 1 metre cables to deliver up to 1000A of...

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Showing 7-12 of 13 results